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Slewing crane

Do you need a slewing crane? PLM is the supplier of cranes in the Netherlands and other countries all over the world. The company was founded in 1954 in the Netherlands, just after the big flood. It rented cranes of several well-known brands to the Delta Works. Decades later PLM started designing and manufacturing its own cranes. It turned out to be a big success and nowadays we deliver our cranes to customers around the world.

The advantages of a PLM slewing crane

PLM manufactures many cranes, including grab cranes. These cranes can, for example, dredge, handle bulk or slew. Our slewing crane can be custom-made to meet all your requirements. It can handle large volumes of different materials and has a maximum unloading operating capacity. Moreover, the crane is low maintenance. There are different undercarriages for a slewing crane. You can choose a pedestal, gantry, rail, rubber tyres or a crawler. Special undercarriages can be requested.

Maintenance on every location

We deliver cranes to customers all around the world. However, even if your company is located far away, we can still take care of the maintenance. It doesn’t matter where the slewing crane is located. Our service is always fast and decisive 24/7. For maintenance or other PLM services you can contact us by calling +31 (0) 167 - 52 85 10.

Other pages:

Stevedore craneBarge craneBulk handling craneCrawler craneDerrick crane manufacturers

Contact us!

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PLM Cranes B.V.

Sluisweg 25

4794 SW Heijningen

The Netherlands


T: +31 (0) 167 - 52 85 10


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