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Barge crane

A barge for a crane can be bought at PLM. We are a world leading manufacturer of reliable, duty cycle cranes and barges for several industries and for worldwide application. Our cranes are specially designed for the required applications. We have a positive attitude and are therefore loyal to all possible assignments. Moreover, we always try to provide custom solutions for every possible request. Choose PLM as your trustworthy partner.

Ordering a barge for a crane at PLM

A barge is often used for transport of heavy loads over rivers and canals. However, one can also use a barge for the placement of a crane. This crane can lift the heavy loads which were transported by the barge before. They’re ideal for offshore constructions. We can supply custom designed barges and build these like no other barge manufacturer in the world. Examples of our barges are:

  • Monohull barges: these barges are floating solutions for industries like dredging, hoisting, transport and bulk handling.

  • Modular barges: these barges provide fast, rigid and custom solutions for every task. They’re often used because they have outstanding connectors, deck loads and auxiliary equipment.

  • Workboats: these boats are innovative and adapted to required industries.

Moreover, we also design and construct deck equipment for our barges in correspondence with our customers. Do you want to order a barge for a crane at PLM? Contact us by calling +31 (0) 167 - 528 510.

Other pages:

Bulk handling craneCrawler craneDerrick crane manufacturersDredging craneDuty cycle crane

Contact us!

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PLM Cranes B.V.

Sluisweg 25

4794 SW Heijningen

The Netherlands


T: +31 (0) 167 - 52 85 10


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